Kino immer anders


If not stated otherwise in our programme the screenings take place in the Stutz2 of the VSETH (ETH-building CAB).


Opening hours

  • Doors/bar: 7.00 pm
  • Film: 7:30 pm


Entrance fee

  • Free for members of VSETH and VSUZH
  • CHF 5.- for externals per screening
  • CHF 30.- for a subscription for the entire semester for externals (available at the entrance)



  • 160 seats
  • 30m2 screen
  • Kinoton FP-30E 35mm-projector
  • Christie CP2220 digital projector
  • Dolby CP650 sound processor with 5.1 surround sound



  • For reservation requests regarding your own event please visit this page.
  • If you are planning a film screening, we are happy to help with a professional realization. Contact us via web form below.


Map of the area



Filmstelle VSETH
Universitätsstrasse 6 / CAB
ETH Zentrum
CH-8092 Zürich
Telephone:+41 (0)44 632 42 94
(no reservations or ticket sale)



    Design: Natalia Schmidt | Code: Benno Meyer | Filmstelle VSETH 2017