Kino immer anders

Skandal im Kinosaal

Bold! Daring! Shocking! Scandalous!

The story of cinema knows many controversial outliers and border crossers who, after their appearance, aroused indignation, revulsion and anger – whether among the general public, among individual religious groups or in the highest ranks of a regime. Taboo breaks and scandal films are important cornerstones of film history. They explore the limits of the medium of film and expand them by begging us the question: What may (and perhaps should) be shown in the cinema and what should not? Our programme will show twelve carefully selected films that have been the subject of heated debates on sexuality, religion, depictions of violence, the environment and politics. Some artsits behind these films have risked much more than mere censorship of their works.

The film to humorously open our programme is the cult film Monthy Python’s Life of Brian, one of the first satirical example of a so-called Jesus film. The film’s attack on religion as an institution not only generated many laughs, but also led to numerous blasphemy complaints and national bans of screenings for lines such as: «He’s not the Messiah. He’s a very naughty boy! Now, go away!»

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom is one of the most controversial works in film history. Ruthlessly, with orgies full of feces and nudity, Pasolini shows the human beast in three trying chapters in the context of Italian fascism. Borders are not subtly touched in this film, they are brutally blown up.

Shreds are also flying in the current terrorist muscatire Four Lions (my I write that?) and in the horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the gorey special on Halloween, which we are especially looking forward to!

This semester, too, we are pleased to present you these controversial works with a short film programme, an introduction and magnificent collaborations.

Come and find out why popcorn got stuck in some moviegoers› throats while watching these films!

Angela Di Filippo – Programming Manager

Filme in diesem Zyklus

Monty Python’s Life of Brian

25.09.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Terry Jones, UK 1979
94 min, Blu-ray, E/d

Paths of Glory

02.10.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Stanley Kubrick, US 1957
88 min, 35 mm, E/df

Stories of Our Lives

09.10.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Jim Chuchu, EAK, ZA 2014
61 min, DVD, E/e

Die Dreigroschenoper

16.10.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Georg Wilhelm Pabst, DE 1931
112 min, DCP, D/e

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

23.10.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Pier Paolo Pasolini, IT 1975
116 min, 35 mm, IT/df

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

30.10.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Tobe Hooper, US 1974
83 min, DCP, E/d

Farewell My Concubine

06.11.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Chen Kaige, CHN 1993
171 min, 35 mm, Mandarin/df


13.11.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Tod Browning, US 1932
64 min, 35 mm, E/d

The Firemen’s Ball

20.11.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Miloš Forman, CZ 1967
73 min, DCP, Tschechisch/d

The Hour of the Furnaces

27.11.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Fernando E. Solanas, Octavio Getino, ARG 1968
95 min, DVD, ES/df

The Cove

04.12.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Louie Psihoyos, US 2009
92 min, Blu-ray, E/d

Four Lions

11.12.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Chris Morris, UK 2010
97 min, Blu-ray, E/d