Kino immer anders

[sound intensifies]

With a new semester comes a new program. In [sound intensifies], we want to take a closer look at sounds. From sound design or score to musical or silent film, we have it all. Understandably, the choice could not have been more difficult, but we have twelve gems waiting for you: Some are almost forgotten blockbusters, others have never reached a big audience. They share a unique sound.

We unclose this semester’s program with Once Upon a Time in the West, the famous spaghetti western by Sergio Leone. No other melody by Ennio Morricone has the popularity of this film’s theme and this classic merits to open up [sound intensifies].

The following week it gets spooky with Dario Argentos’ Suspiria. With its breathtaking score, it is an absolute must for this semester’s program. As the only one of the horror genre, the film’s powerful sound excites every occult enthusiast.

Later on the program is Koyaanisqatsi, an experimental film from the eighties. Through his musical themes and archive recordings, Godfrey Reggio recreates the modern live dominated by machines. This is for sure on the most exceptional part that our program offers.

For this semester especially we would like to highlight the historic epic film Cabiria with live soundtrack interpreted by Convulsif. Even before the modern sound film, screenings were not silent. Different instruments underlined the moving picture’s characters and emotions. We are delighted to host an unforgettable event in cooperation with the IOIC and dedicate this evening to an important part in the history of cinema.

And of course you can also look forward to a divers program of short films and cooperations. We hope to welcome you for popcorn, beer and entertainment for eyes and ears!

Fleming Bruckmaier – head of programmation

Translation: Lucia Arnold

Filme in diesem Zyklus

Once Upon a Time in the West (C’era una volta il West)

27.02.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:00 Uhr, Film: 20:00 Uhr
Sergio Leone, USA/Italien 1968
164 min, DCP, EN/e


06.03.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Dario Argento, Italien 1977
94 min, Blu-ray, IT/e

Berberian Sound Studio

13.03.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Peter Strickland, UK 2012
92 min, DCP, ENG/d


20.03.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Jacques Tati, Frankreich/Italien 1967
124 min, Blu-ray, FR/e


27.03.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
David Lynch, US 1977
89 min, DCP, ENG/d


10.04.18 - Kasse/Bar 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Giovanni Pastrone, IT 1914
168 min, Blu-ray


17.04.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Robert Altman, USA 1975
160 min, DCP, EN/e

Requiem For a Dream

24.04.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Darren Aronofsky, USA 2000
102 min, 35mm, ENG/d


01.05.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Godfrey Reggio, USA 1983
86min, Blu-Ray

There Will Be Blood

08.05.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Paul Thomas Anderson, USA 2007 158 min, Blu-Ray, EN/e

Alice (Něco z Alenky)

15.05.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Jan Švankmajer, CSSR/CH/UK/DE 1988
86 min, Blu-Ray, TSCHECH/d

Singin› in the Rain

22.05.18 - Kasse/Apéro 19:30 Uhr, Film 20:00 Uhr
Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly, USA 1952
103 min, DCP, ENG/e